Making Sense of the Old Testament in Light of Contemporary Science & the Moral Teaching of Jesus
Fr Robert J. Spitzer, S.J.
Wednesday, Feb 5, 7:00-8:30 pm
Globe Room, Cataldo, Gonzaga University campus
Former Gonzaga President and well-known Catholic author and speaker Fr Robert J. Spitzer, S.J. returns to Gonzaga University for a series on Faith, Science, and the Bible. Fr Spitzer's recent book Science, Reason, and Faith: Discovering the Bible (Our Sunday Visitor, 2023) addresses issues often cited as evidence for purported conflicts between science and the Bible: the historicity of biblical events, creation, evolution, miracles, the resurrection of Jesus. The purpose of the Faith, Science, and the Bible series is to engage Bible-science issues and explore reasons for trusting the truth and authority of the scriptures. Fr Spitzer and other guest speakers will offer talks addressing key dimensions of the Bible-science relationship.