Child & Youth Protection
If you are a victim of sexual abuse, our first obligation is to provide you and your family with a safe and compassionate place to report abuse and receive pastoral care and counseling support. We echo Pope Francis' words to survivors "words cannot fully express our sorrow for the abuse you suffered and I am profoundly sorry that your innocence was violated by those you trusted."
Report Sexual Abuse by Church Persons Below:
Victim Assistance Coordinator:
(509) 353-0442
Vicar for Priests:
(509) 466-0220
If you are unsure of how best to do this, contact any of the people listed above.
Catholic Diocese of Spokane
P.O. Box 1453
Spokane, WA 99210-1453
Addressed to any of the following:
Bishop Thomas Daly
Diocesan Vicar General
Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator
Mark your letter "Personal and Confidential"
Please fill out the confidential form linked below:
Another option: You may request that your counselor or attorney contact us.
Our Commitment
The Catholic Diocese of Spokane is committed to providing a safe environment for all children, young adults, and vulnerable adults in our care by cultivating a culture of awareness and vigilance. The work of ensuring the safety of those entrusted to our care is a challenging undertaking. Each year our children and young people participate in the VIRTUS education program, Empowering God's Children, through which parents, teachers, catechists, and youth ministers give children and young people the tools they need to protect themselves from those who might harm them.
Mandatory Reporting for Child Abuse & Neglect
Your Duty to Report
CPS Abuse Reporting Forms
All clergy, employees, and volunteers who suspect that a child, youth or vulnerable adult is a victim of abuse or neglect must report the suspected abuse to the appropriate law enforcement agency AND to Child Protective Services (children and youth) or Adult Protective Services (vulnerable adults). Complete the form below before calling the appropriate agency.
Other Helpful Contacts
Child Protective Services
Spokane County: (509) 363-3333
(800) 557-9671/(800) 562-5624
Department of Social and Health Services: (866) 363-4276
Adult Protective Services (APS)
(800) 459-0421
Law Enforcement
Adams County: (509) 659-1122
Asotin County: (509) 243-4171
Columbia County: (509) 382-2518
Ferry County: 509-775-3132
Franklin County: (509) 545-3500
Lincoln County: (509) 725-3501
Garfield County: (509) 843-3493
Okanogan County (509) 422-7200
Pend Oreille County: (800) 669-3407
Spokane County: (509) 456-2233
Stevens County: (800) 572-0947
Walla Walla County: (509) 527-3265
Whitman County: (509) 397-6266 or (509) 397-4341
Helpful Links
Deacon Gonzalo Martinez
Victoria Loveland
Victims Assistance Ministry
Rev. Steve Werner
Rev. Darrin Connall
Vicar General
Jennifer Siira
Fabienne Heacox
Director of Child & Youth Protection
Janice House
Deacon Kelly Stewart
Director of Deacons
Deacon Brian Ernst
Contact Us
Fabienne Heacox
Director of Child & Youth Protection
(509) 358-7319