Diocesan Policy Manual
Book I - General Norms
Section 1.01 Organization, Scope and Purpose
1.01.01 Organization, Scope and Purpose
Book II - The People of God
Section 2.01 The Christian Faithful
2.01.01 Diocesan Mailing List Policy - (revised May 2010)
2.01.02 Census of Mass Attendance
2.01.03 Use of Technology (adapted from the Lay Employee Handbook) (established 2016)
2.01.04 Diocesan Communication Policy
2.01.05 Office of Child and Youth Protection
Section 2.02 Diocesan Priests
2.02.01 Faculties of Diocesan Priests - (revised 03/2023)
2.02.02 Priests' Compensation Policy - (revised 06/2024)
2.02.02 A - Priests' Compensation Scale (revised 03/2024)
2.02.02 B - Priest Employment Agreement
2.02.02 C - Fair Market Calculation Worksheet
2.02.02 D - Mileage Calculation Worksheet
2.02.02 E - Schedule of Allowances (revised 04/2024)
2.02.03 Mass Stipends, Stole Fees, Substitute Compensation - (revised 07/2023)
2.02.04 Retirement Policy for Diocesan Priests (revised 09/2021)
2.02.04a Priests' Retirement Plan Agreement (revised 05/2023)
2.02.04b Priests' Retirement Committee (revised 09/2022)
2.02.05 Support for Newly Ordained Priests
2.02.06 Continuing Education and Formation of Priests/Sabbaticals (revised 05/2014)
2.02.07 Priests' Retreats
2.02.08 Priest's Ordination Anniversaries (revised 09/2022)
2.02.09 Incardination of Priests
2.02.10 Life Transition Pay
2.02.11 Testimonial Letters (revised 07/2022)
2.02.12 Graduate Studies Policy for Priests
2.02.13 Funeral Rites for Priests and Deacons (est. 04/2010)
Section 2.03 Permanent Deacons
2.03.02 Faculties of Permanent Deacons
Section 2.04 Seminarian and Seminary Formation
2.04.01 Priestly Formation Personnel
2.04.02 Candidates for Priestly Formation
2.04.03 Parochial Guidance for Response to Inquiries
2.04.04 Financial Policy for Diocesan Seminarians (revised 04/013)
2.04.05 Summer Placement for Seminarians in Theological Studies (revised 04/2010)
2.04.06 File Maintenance for Seminarians (est. 03/2010)
Section 2.05 Religious
2.05.01 Salary Schedule for Women Religious
2.05.02 Sample Agreement between Bishop and Religious Superior
Section 2.06 Diocesan Structures
2.06.01 Constitution of the Diocesan Presbyteral Council (revised 11/2018)
2.06.02 Members of Presbyteral Council (revised 10/2024)
2.06.03 College of Consultors Constitution (revised 10/2015)
2.06.04 Regional Personnel (revised 07/2023)
2.06.05 Constitution, Diocesan Pastoral Council (revised 08/2014)
2.06.06 Members, Diocesan Pastoral Council (revised 12/2014)
Section 2.07 Parishes, Pastors
2.07.01 Priests' Personnel Board Statutes (adopted October 2015)
2.07.02 Members of the Priests' Personnel Board - (revised 09/2024)
2.07.03 Alternative Residence for Priests
2.07.04 Norms for Councils in Parishes
2.07.05 Sample Constitution for Parish Councils
Book III - The Teaching Office of the Church
Section 3.01 Ministry of the Divine Word
3.01.01 Prayer and Worship with Separated Christians
Section 3.02 Missionary Action of the Church
3.02.01 Mission Appeals
3.02.02 The Guatemala Commission
3.02.03 Ministerial Covenant with the Diocese of Sololá
Section 3.03 Catholic Education
3.03.01 Catholic Schools
3.03.02 Religious Education Policies
3.03.03 Parental Permission and Release from Liability
3.03.04 Approved Catechetical Texts
3.03.05 Guest Speakers from other Dioceses - (revised 09/022)
Section 3.04 Church-State Relations
3.04.01 Principles for Church Involvement with Political Initiatives (WSCC)
3.04.02 Guidelines for Political Advocacy (WSCC)
Section 3.05 Profession of Faith
3.05.01 Profession of Faith for a Pastor upon Assuming Office
Book IV - The Office of Sanctifying the Church
Section 4.01 Baptism
4.01.01 Pastoral Guidelines for Infant Baptism (Region XII)
Section 4.02 Christian Initiation
4.02.01 Completion of Christian Initiation for Baptized Catholics
4.02.01 Realizacion de la Iniciacion Cristiana para los Catolicos Bautizados
4.02.02 Guidelines for the Liturgy of Confirmation - Established September 2012
Section 4.03 The Holy Eucharist
4.03.01 Guidelines for Concelebrated Liturgies
4.03.02 Holy Days of Obligation
4.03.03 Use of Low-Gluten Bread and Mustum
4.03.04 Diocesan Norms for Third Edition of the Roman Missal
4.03.05 Protocol: Vesting of Priests and Deacons
4.03.06 Transfer of Dedication
Section 4.04 Penance
4.04.01 First Penance
4.04.02 Guidelines for General Absolution
Section 4.05 Marriage
4.05.01 Pastoral Policy for Marriage
4.05.02 Use of Non-Catholic Facilities for Weddings (revised 05/2018)
Section 4.06 Funerals
4.06.01 Funeral Rites - revised October 2013
4.06.02 Celebración de Ritos Funerarios
Section 4.07 Miscellaneous Information
4.07.01 Obtaining Tickets for a Papal Audience
4.07.02 Obtaining a Papal Blessing Parchment
Book V - The Temporal Goods of the Church
Section 5.01 Acquisition of Goods
5.01.01 The Annual Catholic Appeal
5.01.02 Parish Goal for the Annual Catholic Appeal
5.01.03 Acknowledgment of Gifts
5.01.04 Diocesan Collections
5.01.05 The Catholic Foundation
Section 5.02 Administration of Goods
5.02.01 Insurance Policies (revised 02/2016)
5.02.02 Employer Identification Numbers
5.02.03 Cash Handling Procedures (revised 02/2018)
5.02.04 Records Retention
5.02.05 Vehicle Safety (revised 05/2017)
5.02.06 Endorsement of Commerical Efforts
5.02.07 Norms for Parish Finance Councils (revised 03/2023)
5.02.08 Sample Constitution for a Parish Finance Council (revised 08/2022)
5.02.10 Use of Parish Facilities
5.02.11 Medical/Dental Waiver
5.02.12 Insurance and Salary Scale
5.02.13 Parish Corporations & Boards of Directors (revised 05/2022)
5.02.14 Centralized Payroll (est. 10/2014)
5.02.16 Offertory Collection and Cash Handling Procedures (effective 02/2018)
Section 5.03 Contracts
5.03.01 Deposit and Loan Fund Policy (revised 08/2022)
5.03.02 (This Page is Intentionally Left Blank) | (revised 08/2022)
5.03.03 Building and Remodeling (revised 03/2017)
5.03.04 Contract Review Policy (revised 04/2017)
5.03.05 Rights and Obligations of Administrators regarding Contracts, Alienation and Pious Wills
Book VII - Processes
Section 7.01 Processes
7.01.01 Resolution of Disputes/Grievances
7.01.02 Safe Environment Policies and Procedures - revised 5/2021
7.01.02 Politicas para responder a Alegaciones
7.01.04 Advocate for the Petitioner in Marriage Cases